The Risk Factors of Low Back Pain Among Industrial Convection Workers

Author Details

Dwi Retnaningsih, Annisa Titiani Purjayanti, Arifianto

Journal Details


Published: 26 November 2018 | Article Type :


Background: Low back pain is one of the musculoskeletal disorders caused by poor body activity. This study aims to determine the Risk Factors Related to the Incidence of Low Back Pain among Industrial Convection Workers in Mangkang.

Method: This study is a quantitative research with Descriptive Correlation research design and Cross Sectional approach. Research purpose to increase the efforts to prevent low back pain complaints and minimize the incidence of low back pain complaints. The population of this study was 30 employees of industrial convection of Cv. Moko in Mangkang, Central Java, Indonesia. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Chi Square test data analysis.

Research Results: Chi Square test showed that there is a correlation between age and the incidence of Low Back Pain (LBP) (ρ value 0.000), between working period and LBP (ρ value 0.000), between BMI and LBP (ρ value 0.001), between workload and LBP (ρ value 0.005), between work duration and LBP (ρ value 0.000), between work attitude and LBP (ρ value 0.002).

Conclusion: There is a relationship between risk factors and the low back pain among industrial convection workers in Mangkang Central Java Indonesia.

Keywords: Low back pain, BMI, Period load duration, Work attitude

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How to Cite


Dwi Retnaningsih, Annisa Titiani Purjayanti, Arifianto. (2018-11-26). "The Risk Factors of Low Back Pain Among Industrial Convection Workers." *Volume 1*, 2, 38-45